Tips to Keep Your Dog Cool in the Summertime
The warmer temperatures that come with summer means lots of time spent outside, more adventuring, traveling, and the ever-lasting challenge to keep cool! As a dog owner, it’s important to always ha...
8 Tips for Traveling with Your Large Dog
When summertime hits, or it’s the holiday season, many of us are eager to hop in the car and get going somewhere. Traveling to see family or spend some time at a new and exciting location is a part...
Picking the Right Dog Food for your Large Dog: What to Look for in Large Breed Dog Food
As a dog owner, we always want what’s best for our furry friends. Choosing the right food for your dog is no exception. But with the wide range of options that are out there, all touting different ...
Running With Your Large Breed Dog: The Tips You Need
An excellent way to exercise and bond with your dog is by running with them. If you are already a runner yourself, your dog is the ultimate running buddy. They’ll never cancel or be too busy to j...
Large Dogs: How to Stop the Jumping
There’s nothing quite like the greeting you get from your dog when you arrive home after a long day. The unconditional love and excitement they show by just your mere presence are some of the thing...
5 Ways to Manage Shedding in Large Dogs
Shedding and dogs. I sometimes wonder how my own dogs have any hair left on them at the end of a week. Ah! Dealing with your large dog’s shedding is enough to make you want to pull your own hair ou...
How to Stop Leash Pulling: 7 Strategies to Teach your Dog to Walk with a Loose Leash
When you got your large breed dog, were you picturing lots of long, relaxing walks with your best bud? Walking around town, on a nature trail, or wherever else with a loose leash—an enjoyable expe...
10 Ways To Exercise Your Large Breed Dog: Ideas For Every Schedule
By Alli Wittbold
Anyone who has a large breed dog, whether it’s been a few days with your new puppy or years with your furry friend, knows how important exercise is. A well-exercised dog can handl...
Is Your Older Dog Chewing Suddenly? This Is What It Means and What To Do About It
By Alli Wittbold
As dog owners, it goes without saying that when you get a puppy you’re signing up for some degree of chewing. We work hard to train our puppies from the start what’s okay to chew ...